By: Prisca Liliane
Ever get the feeling that you’re extremely beat down, depleted, overwhelmed and exhausted all at once? Is there ever a time you just want to give up and waste your days away complaining? Currently, I am carrying a full load of online courses (obtaining another degree), working two full time jobs and freelance writing on the side for my own brand priscaliliane. Recently, I have had the pleasure of taking on more tasks that will further my career within the nonprofit sector, as well as my side profession in corporate real estate. Simply put, I “reward” my accomplishments with more work.
As simple as the concept of “having gratitude” is, it is not that easy to do when you’re always on “go”. Sometimes, it is my fear of “winning” when I was always used to “losing” that propels my mental fussiness. While I can acknowledge the life that I do have, sometimes, it can be difficult for me to remain in a space of gratitude and thankfulness. LISTEN, I have spent a lot of my years on this earth in tears on men, lost friendships and failures in the workplace. While it is fine to be upset on occasions, one must seek to look on the bright side. Simply put, I need to be more gracious for what I DO have. Not focus on the things that I cannot change.

The basic definition of gratitude is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” According to “Happier Human”, “Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative. As a result, it helps us make more friends, deepen our existing relationships, and improve our marriage.” If this ain’t a WORD!!
One of my long term goals for myself is to be more intentional about gratitude. I have made it my purpose to let others know how much I appreciate and care about them. I do so, without expecting anything in return. If I tell someone that I love them, I mean it wholeheartedly. Not only verbally, I will even prepare a written note to those who have been there for me in all aspects of my journey.
l am grateful for my abundance in finances, good health, amazing friendships and loving family. I will remain on the path to total mindfulness and happiness. The start of this year has been a roller coaster of emotions, but through it all, I am able to push through and persevere through it all. Much love and blessings to all who will read this.